#HREA Award Winner

Employee stories

"I am also very happy that eyes + more are funding my training as an optician, which I started at the beginning of 2021."

Vanessa, Store Manager
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Vanessa, Store Manager
Ramadan, Retail Area Manager

"My best experience at eyes + more has been how I have been able to grow in my position. I’m very happy to have been given the opportunity to be a Retail Area Manager today."

Ramadan, Retail Area Manager
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Looking for a new challenge?

We are far more than just a chain of optical retailers! To us, glasses are more than just glasses. They are a fashion statement we use every day to accentuate our individual style – you can never have enough glasses! And that’s exactly what we offer at eyes + more. Our concept is unique in Europe and is simply about offering great glasses at an all-inclusive price.
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Gina  - Store Manager


Store Manager

Tell us about yourself and what you do at eyes + more.

My name is Gina, and I am a Store Manager at eyes + more in Lower Austria.

How long have you been working at eyes + more?

I started as a Customer Advisor in 2019, and I have been a Store Manager since April 2021.

What has been your best experience at eyes + more?

My best experience in my career at eyes + more was passing the examination to conduct sight tests in early 2020. I was then given the opportunity to take over the management of a store which I am very pleased about. Throughout my career at the company, I have been able to rely on the support of my colleagues, who have always respected and accepted me.

What three words or phrases would you use to describe eyes + more?

like a family – transparent – modern

What three words or phrases would your colleagues use to describe you?

funny – consistent – honest

Gina  - Store Manager
Anne - Senior Retail Manager DE North


Senior Retail Manager DE North

Tell us about yourself and what you do at eyes + more.

My name is Anne, and like so many others, I came to eyes + more as a career changer. I started here right after completing my degree in biology. At the time, I was actually just looking to bridge the time between my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Today I am Senior Retail Manager DE North, and I spend most of my time on the road visiting my stores. I make sure the stores have everything they need so they can operate smoothly.

What has been your best experience at eyes + more?

There have been many highlights along the way. One of my high points was in my first store as Store Manager, when our store won the internal “Shopping Queen Challenge”. As a prize, all store employees were given 444 euros to go shopping in the city centre. Afterwards, we held a team fashion show in which we selected our own Shopping Queen. It was a great experience for the entire team!

What three words or phrases would you use to describe eyes + more?

never a dull moment – open-minded and cosmopolitan – courteous and kind

What three words or phrases would your colleagues use to describe you?

a person who gets things done – up for anything – ambitious

Anne - Senior Retail Manager DE North
Vanessa - Store Manager


Store Manager

Tell us about yourself and what you do at eyes + more.

My name is Vanessa, and I am a Store Manager at eyes + more in Lower Austria.

How long have you been working at eyes + more?

I started out as a Customer Advisor in May 2015 and have been a Store Manager since 2019.

What has been your best experience at eyes + more?

I learned a lot from my predecessor, and I’m very grateful for that. This meant that I was well prepared for my role as Store Manager right from the start. I’m also very happy that eyes + more are funding my training as an optician, which I started at the beginning of 2021.

What three words or phrases would you use to describe eyes + more?

inclusive – like a family – unique

What three words or phrases would your colleagues use to describe you?

patient – friendly – helpful

Vanessa - Store Manager
Ramadan - Retail Area Manager


Retail Area Manager

Tell us about yourself and what you do at eyes + more.

My name is Ramadan, and I am a Retail Area Manager for eyes + more in North Rhine-Westphalia.

What has been your best experience at eyes + more?
My best experience at eyes + more has been how I have been able to grow in my position. I’m very happy to have been given the opportunity to attend internal training courses and to be Retail Area Manager today. I’m now responsible for the stores in my region and on making improvements on an ongoing basis. In addition to keeping an eye on key performance indicators, I’m also responsible for opening new stores. What I particularly like about my job is that I have the opportunity to coach, motivate and support my employees as they make their way along their personal development path.

What three words or phrases would you use to describe eyes + more?

cool place to work – like a family – tolerant

What three words or phrases would your colleagues use to describe you?

helpful – approachable – kind

Ramadan - Retail Area Manager

Learn more about your career opportunities at eyes + more

Your chances at eyes + more

The eyes + more advantage

We treat each other as equals
We embrace lifelong learning and shape careers
Both career changers and established optical industry professionals are very welcome here
We are growing internationally
Our jobs provide security
We are making our mark on the eyewear industry with our glasses offered at an all-inclusive price
Learn more about eyes + more